Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Lost, but not forgotten...

Thank you so much to everyone who has offered their time, support, determination, and enthusiasm to bring little Gus back home. However it is with a heavy heart that we bring you this news: Our little doxie’s remains were found close to the golf course by an anonymous caller. While we can't say with a 100% certainty that it is Gus, there are far too many similarities to say otherwise. Our final act of love for Gus will be to cremate him and to always cherish the short time he was with us.

This finding would not have been possible if not for the help of all of you. Whether it was checking the grounds, fliering, posting to Craigslist or Facebook, donating funds, printing materials, or just hoping and praying, you all are tremendous people with very generous souls. Unfortunately, our story did not have a happy ending, but knowing there are people like you out there is a comfort for all other lost dogs. May they all be brought home safely.

With the conclusion of our search we do need volunteers to help remove the fliers that were so well posted in the area. Please check out the map to see where they were posted and if you do remove them please let us know so we can update the map and eliminate duplicate efforts. Thanks again for all that you have done.

With much gratitude,
The Find Gus Team


  1. Very, very sorry to hear about little Gus. I hope that Gus finds peace and happiness at Rainbow Bridge and knows that all his HART friends and companions who put so much energy into his well-being will join him there someday...a happy, reunited family. Love you, little man.

    The Jarvis Family

  2. I'm really sad to hear about Gus. You all were so wonderful to rescue him, take care of him, and search for him when he was lost.

  3. So sorry sbout Gus. You brought him out of a horrible place and gave him love and a home. I believe that God sends us his little creatures to care for them for whatever time they have on this earth. You did all you could, gave him the best life he had ever known. Thanks for all the things you do for these little guys.

  4. I checked for news of Gus everyday and was out of town during the push to find him, I wanted so much for him to be found safe! I'm sooooooo sad for Gus but have to believe he's now having the time of his "new" life chasing squirrels and butterflies. It's awesome so many people care so much. Valerie

  5. So sad to hear about Gus! May he rest in peace.
